ISSN: 2577-4360
Authors: Koyunoğlu C*
Genetic studies of the Rhinolophus affinis shown as the source of COVID-19 point to a species found primarily in China. It is essential to protect the population of this species in the World in order to prevent the decrease in the population of this species of bats, which plays an essential role in the pollination of plant foods that make up the human food sources because they are used in soup making. The most significant food sources of bats are; insects belonging to Chrysopidae and Hemerobiidae family, Cockroach insects, Dictyopterous and Dipterous insects and mosquitoes creates. For example; The giant brown bat alone can eat between 3000 and 7000 mosquitoes overnight. Bats combat their large populations annually by consuming more than millions of forest and agricultural pests and provide a unique benefit to ecology. Meanwhile, wet areas are also crucial for the continuation of ecological balance and the continuity of insects and bats. Because these areas regularly provide water and insect support, thus having a significant impact on the bat population. Bats are also vital for rainforests. Bats ensure that about 95 percent of the trees in this region reproduce by carrying pollen and seeds.
Keywords: Rhinolophus affinis; Bat; SARS-CoV-2