ISSN: 2574-7797
Authors: Karthikeyan R*, Suryabhavana A and Srinivasa Babu P
Strychnoscolubrina L. (Loganiaceae) is being used in traditional medicine for a variety of ailments. One successive standard and three crude extract of its barks were subjected for anthelmintic activity on adult Indian earthworm pherithima posthuma. The successive methanol extract have shown potent anthelmintic activity in pherithima posthuma with 12.33±0.33, 8.00±0.58, 4.33±0.67 as paralysis time and 38.3±3.76, 27.21±2.18, 15.17±1.28 as death time (mean ± S.E.M) for 100 mg/ml, 250mg/ml and 500mg/ml respectively. The crude methanol has shown moderate anthelmintic activity in pherithima posthuma. All the concentration prepared was paying dose dependent anthelmintic activity
Keywords: Strychnos colubrina L; Methanolic extracts; Pherithima posthuma; Anthelmintic
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