ISSN: 2640-2637
A robertsonian translocation does not always produce harmful results. In fact, many mutations are impartial, and some even reach useful traits. For instance, if balanced carriers are parents 13/21 or 14 /21 or 15/21. This is the start of the new generation of human 2n=44 using In vitro fertilization (IVF). In the chromosomes balanced human 14/21 is relatively prevalent. With the proliferation of the cells, 3-type offspring create Second Human Species as follows: Carriers of balanced parents: 45, XY t (13 /21) X 45 XX t (13/21) → Type 1 - human 2n=44. Carriers of balanced parents: 45, XY t (14 /21) X 45 XX t (14/21) → Type 2 - human 2n=44. Carriers of balanced parents: 45, XY t (15 /21) X 45 XX t (15/21) → Type 3 - human 2n=44. Our study suggested that chromosomal evolution is from a chromosomal fusion, playing a significant role in decreasing the ancestral diploid number to the range of values currently seen.
Keywords: Embryonic Stem Cells; Chromosomes; Zygote
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