ISSN: 2578-482X
Authors: Mohamed Osman , Ebrahim Ahmed ElGanainy EO and Abdel-Moneim Hasanein AE
Varicocele is a debatable and challenging subject. Varicocele is a leading cause of primary and secondary infertility in males. Varicocele may be presented in up to 2% to 10% of patients with pain and discomfort, leading to unacceptable lifestyle limitation. Various Treatment options for painful varicocele are present ranging from conservative measures to surgical. Postoperative outcome, for varicocelectomy done for orchalgia, has been addressed very little in the literature focusing exclusively for pain amelioration .Nearly no study focus on semen analysis results after the surgery particularly those for normal semen preoperative. The study was carried on 16 patients in Assiut university hospital in our study we will identify the effect of the procedure on the normal semen. Our study showed that it is safe to perform varicocelectomy in case of orchalgia this could be explained by the disruption of pain impulses or its blockage at the level of cord.
Keywords: Varicocelectomy; Orchalgia
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