Medical Journal of Clinical Trials & Case Studies (MJCCS)

ISSN: 2578-4838

Case Report

A Triad of Sickle Cell Disease, Eclampsia and Rhesus Negativity: Case Report

Authors: Nwagu MU* , Ohenhen V , Adeyemi O and Umakhihe CO

DOI: 10.23880/mjccs-16000256


Pregnancy becomes a high-risk event when it occurs in women with certain co-morbidities. High risk pregnancy requires extra medical attention for a successful delivery without any complication(s). We report a rare case of high-risk pregnancy where the patient has sickle cell disease, with Rhesus D negative blood group and had eclampsia. These were coupled with the patient being a primiparous woman. The outcome was intrauterine foetal death (IUFD), uncontrollable anaemia, persistent infection and Urethra-vaginal fistula. In a patient with multiple risk factors such as this, a more aggressive approach in medicare is recommended involving all stakeholders in healthcare delivery system. The need for special endownment for sickle cell disease patients, girl child empowerment and proper healthcare financing have been emphasized.

Keywords: Sickle Cell Disease; Eclamspsia; Rhesus Negativity; Heterozygous; Rh Isoimmunisation

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