ISSN: 2578-4986
Authors: Vandana C , Srivastava AK and Parul Sharma
Modernization, affluence, science and technological development leads to still more sedentary life styles, which lead to many disorders in which obesity is considered as multifactorial disease. Obesity increases the likelihood of various diseases and conditions, particularly CVS, Respiratory Diseases, Type 2 diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea, certain types of cancer, osteoarthritis and depression. It is more common in women than men. WHO considers obesity as a global epidemic and public health problem. It estimated most common caused by a combination of excessive food intake, lack of physical activity and genetic susceptibility. It is physiological, psychological and social disorder. In Ayurveda obesity correlated with Sthaulya and Medorog. In modern, treatment is dietary changes and physical exercise and other drug which has many side effects. But Ayurveda consists of daily internal medications, doing fasts in the form of light diet and Shodhan Chikitsa which comprises of Panchakarma therapy, which is the most effective one in less time. Ayurveda also clearly mention Bahirparimarjan Chikitsa to decrease Medo Dhatu as continuous Parishek Sweda in form of Dhara. It is unique process which can pacify Kapha and Meda Dhatu without aggravating Vata Dosh. 40 years female house wife came to Dept of Panchakarma O.P.D D in Rishikul campus, Haridwar with complain of increase weight gain after pregnancy, Heaviness in body along with pain in lower back region and both knee joints for 5 years. During and after it she got moderate relief in obesity symptoms and objective parameters like weight, BMI, waist circumference, Hip circumference, waist hip ratio by Dhanyamla Sarvang Dhara.
Keywords: Obesity; Sthaulya; Dhanyamla Sarvang Dhara; Panchkarma; Bahirparimarjan Chikitsa; Medo Dhatu
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