International Journal of Surgery & Surgical Techniques (IJSST)

ISSN: 2578-482X

Case Report

Small Intestinal Tubulovillous Adenoma: A Rare Case Report

Authors: Bayanduuren B , Mishigdorj L and Gonchogsuren D

DOI: 10.23880/ijsst-16000152


Introduction: Small bowel adenoma is very rare disease and most common location in duodenum. Ileal adenoma is very rare disease. Case presentation: We report the case of 42 years old male. Presenting with an upper recurrent abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting. Pain was sudden onset presenting 4 days ago. Blood examination: WBC was 8.6*103g/dl, PLT=149*103/ul, CRP was 38.60mg/l Trans abdominal ultrasound: Bowel loops dilated up to 3 cm PA erect Abdominal Radiography: Many air- fluid level in abdomen Exploratory laparotomy: Small bowel obstruction due to ileal tumor. Operation was right hemicolectomy. Anastomosis was side to side.

Keywords: Tubulo-Villous Adenoma; Right Hemicolectomy; Small Bowel Obstruction

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