Philosophy International Journal (PhIJ)

ISSN: 2641-9130

Research Article

Good Leadership: A Catalyst for Nigeria’s Quest for Development

Authors: Adefarasin VO , Adefarasin VO and Adefarasin VO

DOI: 10.23880/phij-16000149


The paper defends the thesis that good leadership is a sine qua non for Nigeria’s development. Nigeria, without doubt, is rich and blessed with human and natural resources, yet, she is poor. She is poor as a result of lack of good leadership which is a hallmark of sustainable development. It is rather pathetic and indeed unfortunate that after sixty years (60 years) of her independence, Nigeria is still a sleeping giant of Africa. The reason for this backwardness is as a result of lack of good, transparent and visionary leadership which can steer the ship of Nation to greater heights. It is against this background that the paper discusses what is meant by leadership, types of leadership, qualities of a good leader, development, dimensions of development and features of development. It also discusses the nexus or synergy that exists between leadership and development. The paper concludes that the development of Nigeria is and will continue to be very much dependent on good leadership. 

Keywords: Leadership; Catalyst; Nigeria and development

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