ISSN: 2577-4360
Authors: Sabahelkhier MK, Mohammed KA, Ahmed Babikir and Khogali Elnur Ahmed Ishag
The aim of this study is to assess the impact of vitamin D deficiency on Ca, P, Mg and fasting blood glucose in patients. Study designing total of 71 patients, which classified into 41 patients not suffering from vitamin D deficiency as control group and 30 patients suffering from vitamin D deficiency as case group, 71 patients are classified into three groups according to amount of vitamin D , gender and age of patient. In case group, first group classified according to amount of vitamin D in which there was low significant difference in Ca and Mg, ratio of Ca: P and ratio of Ca: Mg, but there was high significant difference in P and fasting blood glucose. Second group classified according to gender in which Calcium level, ratio of Ca: P and ratio of Ca: Mg in males and females suffering from vitamin D deficiency is low while Phosphorus level and fasting glucose level in males and females suffering from vitamin D deficiency is high, and the last group classified according to age, Calcium, phosphorus, Mg, ratio of Ca: P,ratio of Ca: Mg and fasting blood glucose in case study and control show no significant difference according to age.
Keywords: Deficiency of Vitamin D; Glucose; Calcium; Magnesium; Phosphorus; Gender and Age