International Journal of Forensic Sciences (IJFSC)

ISSN: 2573-1734

Research Article

Collection of Touch DNA from Rotten Banana Skin

Authors: Salem K Alketbi*

DOI: 10.23880/ijfsc-16000204


Touch or trace DNA analysis can be used to connect suspects to crime scenes, especially when other types of biological evidence are unavailable. However, Touch DNA profiling is a challenging process and many variables affect the success of obtaining a good quality DNA profile, such as surface type and the time between deposition and recovery. This study aimed to investigate the influence of time between deposition and recovery of Touch DNA from banana skin surface at room temperature. The results showed that the amount of recovered DNA from the banana skin was not affected by time (over a week) at room temperature and a full DNA profile was generated even when the banana skin was rotten.

Keywords: Forensic DNA; Touch DNA; DNA recovery; Copan 150C Cotton swab; PrepFiler Express BTA™; QIAamp® DNA Investigator; Quantifiler™ Human DNA Quantification Kit; QuantStudio; GlobalFiler™; PCR Amplification Kit

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