ISSN: 2573-8771
Authors: Abdullah BA and Hamed GY and Rejab AF
Objectives of the research: to assess the effects of TMJ 2.2 hyaluronic acid injection on following TMJ pain, TMJ clicking, maximum opening capacity and lateral mandibular movements. This study include one hundred patients (77females and 23males) whom complain from clicking and pain at their TMJ with or without limitation of mandibular movements. The age ranged between 9-65 years old. Hyaluronic acid 2.2% were used for intra- articular injection unilaterally at the upper compartment of the most painful TMJ. Assessment of pain was done by using the visual analogue scale (0-10), the intensity of clicking was evaluated by stethoscope using basser clicking score, lateral movements were calculated by using ruler and recorded into special case sheet, and any complications that reported by the patients were recorded. These data were recorded before treatment and one, two, three weeks post injections, also one month after the last injection. SPSS (statistical package of social science) window 11.5 version was used for statistical investigation with chi square and paired T tests with P ≤ 0.001 as a significant value. The outcome of this study reveals that age cluster between (21-30) years was the most prevailing age, it signify (29%) of the entire trial, whereas the age group over 50 years was the least represented age group, it signify 7%, Female were presented in this study more often than males at a ratio of (3.3 -1). Regarding TMJ pain, there were significant differences (P≤ 0.001) before and after intra-articular drug administration. Significant differences P≤ 0.001were found in clicking scores means before and after intra-articular HA injections there were significant differences P≤ 0.001 in maximum opening capacity means before and after TMJ injections. There were significant differences in both lateral left and right movements means P ≤ 0.001 before and after TMJ injections of hyaluronic acid. This study conclude that HA 2.2% TMJ injection is an effective method in treating different TMJ diseases including temoporomandibular disorders, it reduce pain, clicking and improve mandibular motion, their effect persist even one month beyond last injection, it is effective, safe, painless, not costly, with no side effects like steroid, with no complications, usually no need to another drugs following injections like antibiotic and analgesic. We recommend that this modalities as the best treatment for TMDs. Also we conclude that females seek treatment more often than males at a ratio 3.3:1.
Keywords: Intra-articular injections; Hyaluronic acid
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