ISSN: 2639-2038
Authors: Khalilur Rahman* , Shahriar Haider , Debnath RC , Abdur Rahim and Rajib Nandi
This study was conducted to evaluate the prospects of pekin ducks which is associate with socio-economic status of the duck farmers and to analyze cost-benefit of pekin duck farming. This was performed in Bhola sadar and Doulatkhan Upazilla of Bhola district during a period from October to December, 2019. For this study the information was collected by direct interview using a questionnaire from 30 duck farmers. For cost-benefit analysis 50 numbers of Day Old Chicks (Pekin breed) were given to each 30 selected farmers. During 3 months of research feed and technical supports were provided from Grameen Jano Unnayan Sangstha. Growth and body weight was observed and recorded in every week. The results reveal that most(50%) of the family were medium(5-7) sized, the majority of the respondents (46%) belonged to over 40 years aged group, about 43% of the farmers are illiterate, 33% received primary education, 24% of the respondents had secondary level education and no one of the respondents had higher level of education. In case of occupation we found that 67% of the respondents were housewife, who does not have scientific knowledge, 80% of the farmers do not know about duck diseases. In case of rearing all(100%) of the farmers use semi-intensive method, most of the farmers(90%) use betel nut tree made house, 90% of the farmers use Sawdust as litter. 57% of the farmers clean house 10-15 in a month, 20% of the farmers depends natural feed , 80% depends on supplemental feed, among supplemental feed farmers use ready feed, Rice polish and wheat bran 13%, 13% and 74 % respectively and 87% farmers use feed from own source, 67% farmers use water from pond which is not pure. Result also reveals that57% farmers receive treatment from LSP, 33% from NGOs worker and 10% from Upazilla Veterinary Hospitals. 90% famers maintain regular vaccination. In case of cost-benefit analysis average body weight of pekin duck in 0 day, 7 days, 15 days, 30 days, 2 months and 3 months were 60.43±2.08, 113±2.65, 282.87±9.26, 743.5±26.48, 1885±34.56 and 2732.83±40.45 respectively and average pekin duck rearing cost was Tk. 16041.83±420.12, income was Tk. 29400.4±896.44, net profit was Taka 13358.57±1037.15. There have some problems identified for duck farming including low price of duck meat ranked as most serious problems. Therefore, if the problems are addressed properly, the pekin duck farming in coastal belt of Bangladesh could be more profitable business for the farmers.
Keywords: Prospects of Pekin Duck; Cost-Benefit; Socio Economic Profile
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