Journal of Quality in Health Care & Economics (JQHE)

ISSN: 2642-6250

Mini Review

Effect of Stigma on Quality of Life of People with Sexually Transmitted Infections

Authors: Aggarwal S , Mahajan N and Singh T

DOI: 10.23880/jqhe-16000186


Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are known for causing burden of mortality and morbidity along with psychosocial consequences among individuals suffering from STIs due to perceived stigma against them at community levels. Therefore, this mini review aims to summarize the effect of stigma on the quality of life of people with STIs. People with STIs and their families often experience shame, anxiety, isolation, social boycott, rejection by the surrounding communities. Fear of isolation and prejudices in the society causes the sufferer to keep their disease status undisclosed even to their families because they are afraid of being socially boycotted. The reluctancy and attitude of concealment of information regarding their health leads to complications in health seeking practices. Therefore, several initiatives have been pioneered by governmental and nongovernmental agencies in India to provide timely diagnosis and treatment for STIs in total confidentiality. Additionally, financial assistance, education and employment opportunities have also been sought for them. Prevention of the infection, proper awareness and education, reduction in complications related to treatment and healthcare seeking may be beneficial to reduce the transmission of STIs to a large extent. Socio-behavioural research to understand and estimate stigma and discrimination towards people suffering from STIs should be conducted to quantify the levels of stigma at various levels. Such studies will provide an opportunity for formulating guidelines which are more inclusive for individuals with STIs in order to destigmatize STIs in communities.

Keywords: Stigma; Quality of Life; Sexually Transmitted Infections

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