ISSN: 2691-5774
Authors: Zarate JF*
Nowadays, in a society disillusioned with all political proposals that are presented to it, the question arises of how to stop extremism. In the 20th century, with the increase of population and especially the educated population, with a higher standard of living and better options in health and education services, was accompanied by a disagreement of not accessing better opportunities. Meaning that, even with obtaining better social benefits, it was seen that there was no further ahead. Representative democracy, the inherited system of Greek and Roman democracy, a product of political evolution mainly from England and the United States in contemporary times, presented to the masses as the solution to all social and human problems. The struggle for democracy (in the words of Abraham Lincoln, the government of the people, by the people and for the people), became the crux of humanity’s destiny, from the French Revolution and even before.