Journal of Quality in Health Care & Economics (JQHE)

ISSN: 2642-6250

Research Article

Postgraduate Trainer Course: The Smoking Economic Burden by Morbidity

Authors: Hernandez FF and Gonzalez ES

DOI: 10.23880/jqhe-16000190


Background: The research and analysis from smoking must be from several points of view. Nevertheless the smoking economic burden by morbidity must be strongly researched since the Health Economy. The usefulness from postgraduate course about this subject offer the opportunity to generalize the whole knowledge obtained. Thus more health professional will be better capacitated to make better measures from the smoking economic impact over the Public Health.

Objective: To design a postgraduate trainer course about the measurement from the smoking economic burden by morbidity. Materials and Methods: Were used the inductive – deductive and the comparative as theorical methods. As empiric method was used the bibliographic research.
Results: The suggested course has the particularity of be contextualized agree to general learning needs from health professionals related to the smoking economic control. The course has the characteristic that each subject is supported by the previous.
Conclusion: Was designed a postgraduate trainer course for health professionals related with the smoking economic control. The course is agreed to general learning needs from health professionals related to the smoking economic control.

Keywords: Smoking; Economic Burden; Trainer Course

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