Journal of Quality in Health Care & Economics (JQHE)

ISSN: 2642-6250

Research Article

Postgraduate Course: Smoking Vs. Labor Productivity

Authors: Hernandez FF and Gonzalez ES

DOI: 10.23880/jqhe-16000191


Background: Smoking is close related with no-communicable illness. As consequence from the smoking impact over morbidity and mortality smokers laboring reduces the self labor productivity agree to tobacco consumption. The smoking complexion duties to research and explain it in a multi dimensional form. Also, a postgraduate education is necessary to generalize the knowledge obtained.

Objective: To design a postgraduate course about the relation between smoking and the labor productivity.
Materials and Methods: Theoric methods: inductive – deductive and comparative.
Empiric method: bibliographic research. Results: The postgraduate course “Smoking vs. labor productivity” focus the attention in the relation between smoking and labor productivity. This course was designed especially for health professionals. Nevertheless is recommended the inclusion of professionals from economic sciences to make richer the discussion in class.
Conclusions: It designed a postgraduate course about the relation between smoking and labor productivity. This course saves the condition doing that each subject is supported by the previous.

Keywords: Postgraduate Education; Smoking; Labor Productivity

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