ISSN: 2642-6250
Authors: Khulal R , Bhatta L , Mubashir A and Narasannavar A
Background: Alcohol consumption is an inseparable addiction to all around the world including India in the current scenario. Both direct and indirect cost of the economic burden of alcohol, consumption was estimated to be 0.45%-5.44% of Gross -Domestic Product (GDP). In 2012 alone more than 5.9% of death has occurred due to alcohol consumption. In India total of 30% of the total population consumes alcohol, as per census 2011, 51.1/100,000 male consume alcohol and 27.1/100,000 female consume alcohol. In India total loss of GDP due to alcohol-related disease is said to be 1.45% which is Rs 3,127 billion ($48.11 billion) is the economic burden on the health system. Death due to alcohol consumption in India in the year 2012 is 3.3 million. As in India alcohol consumption has increased by 38% from 2010 to 2017, is from 4.3 liters to 5.9 liters/ adult/ years. In India alcohol is a major source of income from beverage taxes across the country and in case of Karnataka 25% of the budget is generated for the tax of selling alcoholic beverages.
Keywords: Alcohol; Economic Burden; Alcohol Consumption; Cost
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