ISSN: 2642-6250
Authors: Karevan A , Limon S and Tee KF
Human societies are dealing with infectious diseases for centuries. The consequences of this infectious disease outbreak are multifaceted. Apart from socio-economic disruption, the outbreak also causes thousands of humans’ lives. The recent COVID-19 is the deadliest of this century’s outbreak already causes hundreds of thousands of lives all over the world. Several studies have been conducted to identify the virus’s nature, its severity compared to other flu viruses and methods of spread. However, there has been no study that emphasizes the quantitative analysis of mortality risk of patients considering different clinical and social circumstances which are also known as factors. In this case study, real-life mortality data have been analyzed and the severity effect of different factors on mortality due to COVID-19 has been categorized. Considering all factors simultaneously, a method to estimate the mortality risk index of patients is also presented. The estimated mortality risk index results show how different combinations of factors have influenced the mortality chances of patients differently.
Keywords: Covid 19; Risk Mortality Rate; Influencing Factors; Severity; Quantitative Analysis
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