ISSN: 2577-2953
Authors: Erman Çakıt
This study features an analysis of the influences and effects of varying forms of execution while performing resistance training exercises from an ergonomic viewpoint using the University of Michigan’s 3D Statistic Strength Prediction Program (3DSSPP). The exemplary use case chosen is the performance of Deadlifts (DL), one of the main full body training exercises in resistance training. The purpose of this study is to show the potential ergonomic problem of lower back impact of the exercise when executed with inaccurate form using the 3DSSPP to exemplary assess the usability of this form of software analysis for the specific area of exercises in resistance training. Based on the findings from the analysis and the results, it can be concluded that according to the software a possible indicator for poor technique especially during phase 1 to 3 is the lower strength requirements on torso and hips in these postures when rounding the back, explaining why people tend to make these mistakes.
Keywords: Computer-Aided Ergonomics; 3DSSPP; Lower Back; Resistance Training Exercises