Epidemiology International Journal (EIJ)

ISSN: 2639-2038

Research Article

Epidemiology of Traumatic Fingertip Amputation of Hand in Ardabil Northwest Iran; A Cross-Sectional Study

Authors: Noktehsanj R , Sadeghieh ahari S , Emami L , Jahanshahi R and Arabzadeh A

DOI: 10.23880/eij-16000173


Background: Amputation is one of the major medical problems that have always been unfortunate for the patient and his/ her companions imposing burden on community and the health system. This study aims to determine the epidemiology and treatment outcomes of traumatic fingertip amputation of the hand in patients referred to Fatemi Hospital in Ardabil, Northwest Iran. 

Methods: 230 patients were included in this study referred to Fatemi Hospital in Ardabil with traumatic fingertip amputations between March 2018 and March 2020. All admitted patients were extracted from the archive of hospital medical information system. 
Results: Men and agriculture activities were significantly more prone to accidents. Most accidents occur in the workplace and during working hours. Sensory disturbances, infection, movement limitation, and deformity were the main complications following treatment procedures. 
Conclusion: Rate of amputations was significantly prevalent in men working especially in agriculture, which needs more investigation.

Keywords: Amputation; Traumatic; Finger Injuries; Epidemiology

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