Journal of Natural & Ayurvedic Medicine (JONAM)

ISSN: 2578-4986

Investigation Paper

Comparative Study of Clinical Efficacy of Antaparimarjan Chikista (Ghan Vati) and Bahiparimarjan Chikista (Udhavartana) in Atisthaulya W.S.R to Mustadi Yog in Obesity

Authors: Pralhad TA*


Sthoulya (Obesity) is the major and basic cause of lifestyle disorders like Diabetes mellitus (T2DM), Coronary heart disease (CHD), Hypertension. Sthoulya (Obesity) is increasing at an alarming rate in developed industrialized countries which are undergoing rapid nutrition and lifestyle transition. Obesity is one of the most effective diseases which affect someone’s social, physical and mental status. In Ayurveda, Sthoulya (Obesity) is regarded as Medoroga, a disorder of Meda Dhatu, which includes fat tissue and fat metabolism. According to Ayurveda; Sthoulya begins with an imbalance of Doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha), Agni (digestive fire), Malas (waste products) or an imbalance of Srotas (microcirculatory channels). This collection of imbalances then interferes with the formation of tissues or Dhatus and leads to a tissue imbalance that we experience as excess weight. So in this study, tikta rasapradhan drugs in compound formulation of Mustadi Ghan vati as Antaparimarjan chikitsa (60 patients were selecte) and Mustadi churna Udhavartana as Bahiparimarjan chikitsa (60 patients were selected) has been selected. The result of study showed that excessive intake of oily and fatty food, sedentary lifestyle, and psychological factor along with genetically predisposition play a major role in aetiopathogenesis of sthaulya (obesity). Furthermore it was also found that Mustadi Ghan vati effectively helps in reducing Wt. & BMI ratio. The effect of study shows that Mustadi ghan vati provided better relief comparative to Mustadi churna Udhavartana in the management of Sthaulya.

Keywords: Sthoulya; Medoroga; Mustadi Kwath Ghanvati; Mustadi churna; Antaparimarjan and Bahiparimarjan Chikista

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