Journal of Natural & Ayurvedic Medicine (JONAM)

ISSN: 2578-4986


Scope for Integration of Traditional and Complementary Medicines in the Conventional Treatment and Management of Cancer

Authors: Khuda-Bukhsh AR*


The current scenario of incidence and major treatment modalities adopted by the conventional or modern medical stream in the control and management of cancer has been briefly narrated. The role played by various evidence-based complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) and traditional medicines in combating cancer and ameliorating conventional therapygenerated side-effects has been elucidated. The possible scope for integration of some of these traditional and CAM modalities along with the conventional treatment in rendering better control and management of cancer, and to give the patients a better quality and a longer life by reducing toxicity and side-effects generated by the conventional treatment have been discussed.

Keywords: Integration; Traditional and Complementary Medicines; Conventional Treatment

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