ISSN: 2578-5001
Authors: Muranda MA , Owenga JA , Otieno DO , Onguru DO and Orende MA
Aim: The aim of the study was to determine the role of demographic factors on uptake of National Health Insurance among the informal sector workers in Vihiga Sub-County.
Subject and Methods: The target population for the purpose of this study was the informal sector workers from Vihiga Sub County drawn from the four wards in the Sub County. Sampling was done using cluster sampling and simple random sampling techniques, to obtain a representative sample of 384. Data was collected using semi-structured questionnaires and analyzed using descriptive statistics. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression were used to test for associations (p<0.05).
Results: The mean age of respondents who participated in the study was 42.42. The results showed that older persons above 50 years, women, high level of education, high income, female headed households and formal employment were significantly associated with uptake of national health insurance.
Conclusion: age, gender, gender of the household head, level of education, employment status and household monthly income had significant influence on uptake of national health insurance. Enrollment should be encouraged among the youth and the male category, this will ensure that they have access to recommended care, receive quality care, and experience better health outcomes.
Keywords: Demographic Factors; National Health Insurance; Health Insurance; Informal Sector Workers
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