ISSN: 2578-5001
Authors: Marie-Therese AS*
In Burkina Faso, mothers and children are the most vulnerable groups. The maternal mortality ratio is 320 per 100,000 births in 2017. In addition to the direct obstetric causes responsible for about 80% of these deaths, there are factors such as the low nutritional status of mothers, numerous and closely spaced pregnancies and their consequences. Complications finally, this high maternal mortality rate is partly due to three major delays: (i) the delay in deciding to consult the health services, (ii) the delay in arriving at the health facility and (iii) the delay to receive adequate treatment at the health facility level. Childhood health is also characterized by high rates of morbidity and mortality. In 2010, the neonatal mortality rate was 28 per 1,000 births. The distribution of human resources remains unbalanced in favor of urban centers. Rural and peri-urban areas remain poorly equipped with road infrastructure, with an average driving time of around one hour. The Mouhoun loop region, the capital of which is Dedougou, is one of the regions in Burkina Faso, along with the Sahel and the Eastern region, where maternal and neonatal mortality is the highest. The period with the most maternal deaths concerns the lean season, between May and July.
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