Psychology & Psychological Research International Journal (PPRIJ)

ISSN: 2576-0319

Mini Review

Technical-Scientific Challenges for Psychology in the Legal and Forensic Context in View of the Consequences of the SARS-CoV2 Pandemic (COVID - 19)

Authors: Alchieri JC*

DOI: 10.23880/pprij-16000263


The consequences of the pandemic include maintaining the quality of professional care in psychological monitoring and evaluation processes on all continents. This communication presents points of attention to the topic initiated with norms and guidelines for professional performance by various scientific and technical associations. The author demonstrates the need for investigations aimed at obtaining scientific evidence of effectiveness on the use and resizing of remote instruments and procedures, with a view to supporting the evaluation process of the proposals to support the recommended standards. Specifically, in the legal and forensic context operated by criteria of scientific and legal assumptions, the problem does not refer only to the use or choice of a technique or instrument that meets these standards, but also to the set of operations and analyzes carried out throughout the process evaluative and expert. Topics such as acceptance of the task, planning, development and analysis of the collected data, registration of these in the reports, in the oral defense, as well as the safeguarding of the collected material. Given the possibility of maintaining social distance care, studies to replace operational procedures in remote interviews, administration of psychological instruments and techniques are necessary in the short term, due to the risk of institutional compromise of rights and duties of the populations, especially the most fragile and compromised.

Keywords: Legal and Forensic Psychology; Technical Guidelines; SARS-CoV2 Pandemic (COVID - 19); Tests and Psychological Techniques; Professional Technical Standards

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