Diabetes & Obesity International Journal (DOIJ)

ISSN: 2574-7770

Conceptual Paper

Obesity Risk Assessment Concept

Authors: Aparna G Bhaskar* , Atul N C Peters , Gurvinder S Jammu , Ravikanth K , Khaitan M , Raj P , Shashank Shah and Shivaram HV

DOI: 10.23880/doij-16000238


The obesity risk assessment concept is developed after considering the increased risk of obesity and the concomitant conditions arising due to obesity. The treatment of obesity is very crucial and proper awareness and diagnosis play the important role in treating obesity. WHO declared BMI as a measure of obesity; however BMI and waist circumference as screening tools to estimate obesity and related potential risk have their shortcomings. These parameters lack sensitivity and specificity when applied to individuals to complete risk assessment related to obesity. Edmonton Obesity Staging System (EOSS) is a clinical staging system that effectively captures the severity of obesity and its factors complicating the management. However, EOSS and other such clinical staging systems are not patient-oriented and are difficult to understand for a layperson. The available staging systems do not classify obesity on the basis of the presence and severity of risk factors, comorbidities, and functional limitations. Hence, we developed an obesity risk assessment scale, which is based on EOSS; but, is patient-oriented and allows patients to understand their level of obesity, the risks associated with it and provides the clinical expertise which will guide them to appropriate obesity management. As it is a novel concept, the concept validation is performed along with a Delphi round where the questionnaire and weightage for each respective question is finalized. The strengths of this obesity risk assessment scale include the simple nature of questions, scoring system, patient-facing tool, and treatment guidance. Future studies are required to carry out the clinical efficacy, reliability, and validity of this method.

Keywords: Edmonton Obesity Staging System; Obesity Risk Assessment

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