Diabetes & Obesity International Journal (DOIJ)

ISSN: 2574-7770

Review Article

Analysis of Environmental Pollutants as Diabetogenic Agent in the Patient Suffering from Diabetes Mellitus

Authors: Saima Shokat , Riffat Iqbal , Atif Yaqub , Fatima Shahid and Samreen Riaz*

DOI: 10.23880/doij-16000241


Diabetes mellitus can be defined as a metabolic disorder which leads to high level of glucose in blood and lead to the diabetic patients to develop various severe and fatal health problems.. If the concentration of glucose in blood will high then it affects various body organs including eyes, nerves, foot, kidneys and heart and ultimately leads to serious complications. In this, the pancreas is not able to produce enough insulin. As a result, body becomes unable to consume nutrients appropriately. Diabetes mellitus was primarily described by Egyptians. The word Diabetes which means to pass through was 1st time used by a Greek physician Araetus of Cappodocia. According to Araetus, diabetes is associated with polyuria. While the word Mellitus is a Latin word which means Sweet or Honey. Major signs and symptoms of diabetes mellitus includes Frequent urination, Excessive thirst, Excessive hunger, Sudden loss in weight, Vision problems, Slow healing of wounds, injuries and Sweating etc. Major complications of diabetes are Nephropathy Neuropathy Retinopathy Cardiovascular Disorders Amputation. There are many reasons of diabetes such as genetic factor, age, poor life style but environmental pollutants also have their role in diabetes. There are many environmental pollutant such as lead, zinc, mercury oxide, nitrate, sulphate, cadmium and Arsenic etc. The presence of arsenic (As) in drinking water has become a major public health concern around the world specially in Pakistan. Arsenic inhibits differentiation of adipocyte and mediates insulin resistance with diminutive information on arsenicosis on lipid storage and lipolysis. So the main target of research is to determine the effect of Arsenic and their control in order to decrease the number of diabetic patients.

Keywords: Glucose; Arsenic; Pakistan

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