ISSN: 2640-2734
Authors: Losada Robaina CM and Alister Byam DFA
Sport training is characterized by being increasingly scientific; a foundation that justifies the competitive results obtained in all sports scenarios where athletes efficiently develop their qualities and capabilities, implicit in this is the appearance of sports injuries from various causes. Cricket is the national sport in English-speaking countries and the fundamental root of baseball and sports injuries are common in this sport, although it is strictly a non-contact sport. This work is based on the injuries that occur most frequently in cricket fast bowlers and proposes therapeutic physical exercises for their treatment. Most fast bowlers in cricket suffer upper body injuries and some do not recover and have to leave the sport. In general, fast bowlers do not have the necessary guidance and some practice more than one discipline that can be very dangerous to athletic life and contribute to injuries. It has been shown that it is possible to apply therapeutic physical exercises as an effective treatment in the prevention and rehabilitation of sports injuries. The Therapeutic Physical Culture (CFT) is a multidisciplinary science in charge of using the means of physical culture and sport, for the prophylaxis, cure and recovery of diseases. During the last decades, many rehabilitation programs and services have been developed to compensate for functional disability resulting from illness or injury, so that people can resume their activities as soon as possible, not only for physical recovery, but also Social and vocational rehabilitation are receiving increasing attention from these important services. At present, diseases of the osteomioarticular system are one of the leading causes of physical disability with a large percentage of patients, including athletes, who come to different rehabilitation departments with indications for treatment for these causes. The appearance of injuries mainly in the upper limbs, the ankle and the back, cause the premature retirement of many players from the sport, a frequent increase in these injuries has been observed during training and competitive activities because prevention is not considered as a fundamental element, as well as the little effectiveness of the rehabilitation process intended for this, being the inspiration for the realization of this research work that as a scientific problem arises How to contribute to the prevention and treatment of sports injuries that occur in players in cricket players?. It is derived from the problem raised as a general objective of the research. Propose therapeutic physical exercises for the prevention and treatment of sports injuries in cricket players and for this an analysis of the theoreticalpractical and methodological conceptions that exist about the treatment of sports injuries, the current diagnosis of the treatment of sports injuries in cricket and therapeutic physical exercises are analyzed and proposed that can be used for the prevention and treatment of sports injuries that occur in cricket players.
Keywords: Sports Injuries; Rehabilitation; Physical Exercises; Sports Injuries
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