ISSN: 2576-0319
Authors: Oliveira AR* , Couto RN and Alchieri
The objective was to carry out an adaptation of the Positive Driver Behavior Scale for Brazilian drivers, and to see if it would be possible to propose a reduced measure. The instrument called the Positive Driving Behavior Scale, originally composed of 38 items, was applied to 204 drivers in the northeastern region of Brazil, most of them men (65.7%), with an average of 35.6 years old. The results showed the possibility of a single factor structure, consisting of a total of 19 items, and Cronbach’s alpha = 0.90, explaining 37.9% of the total variation. The relevance of this measure is highlighted, providing a tool capable of measuring behavior in traffic, supporting traffic professionals and psychologists, instrumentalizing practices, as well as offering an understanding of the transport phenomenon, which can facilitate the development of effective measures to prevent accidents.
Keywords: Driver; Scale; Validation; Structure; Accidents; Phenomenon
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