Journal of Ecology & Natural Resources (JENR)

ISSN: 2578-4994

Research Article

Standardized Precipitation Index Valuation of Seasonal Transitions and Adaptation of Pastoralist to Climate Variability in Rangelands of the Bamenda Highlands of Cameroon

Authors: Mairomi HW and Tume SJP*

DOI: 10.23880/jenr-16000229


The pastoral community in the Bamenda Highlands of Cameroon continues to face multi-faceted stresses related to climate and the environment. Previous studies have focused more on climate variability in relation to agriculture and water resources, with little or no insights into highland rangeland ecology. These shocks add to the common pool rangeland security issues with unsecure pastoral tenure, land grabbing, rangeland degradation, poor land use planning, dwindling range resources, amongst others. Rainfall data was collected from 13 stations covering the region to understand the climate trend. The Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) was used to the recurrence of meteorological droughts, vis-à-vis transhumance. Results show discernable impacts of climate variability on the pastoral landscape especially related to prolonged dry seasons, pasture scarcity, poor land use practices notably seasonal bush fires, stocking densities and overgrazing. Indigenous knowledge identified pasture scarcity, weed invasion, poor range products, cattle mortality, degradation, land use conflicts, dwindling water resources as related effects. Due to these growing difficulties within the grazing landscape, pastoral communities have resorted to growing partnerships with development agencies to develop more resilience as a result of past challenges grappling with the nefarious effects of climate change. Cultivating improve pastures, fodder crops, developing water schemes and adjusting the grazing calendar are some adaptation measures. Technical and financial resources need to be transferred for risk mitigation and building capacities to reduce the vulnerability of pastoral communities for a sustained future.

Keywords: Adaptation; Climate; Pastoralism; Rangelands; Seasonal Transitions; Vulnerability

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