Ergonomics International Journal (EOIJ)

ISSN: 2577-2953

Conceptual Paper

On the Concept of Time in Everyday Life and between Physics and Mathematics

Authors: Paolo Di Sia

DOI: 10.23880/eoij-16000268


In this paper I consider the concept of time in a general way as daily human time and then within physics with relation to mathematics. I consider the arrow of time and then focus the attention on quantum mechanics, with its particular peculiarities, examining important concepts like temporal asymmetry, complexity, decoherence, irreversibility, information theory, chaos theory. In conclusion I consider the notion of time connected to a new theory in progress, called “Primordial Dynamic Space” theory. 

Keywords: Time; Modern Physics; Irreversibility; Decoherence; Symmetry; Entanglement; Complexity; “Primordial Dynamic Space” Theory; Education

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