International Journal of Zoology and Animal Biology (IZAB)

ISSN: 2639-216X

Mini Review

Important Aspects in Mangrove Crabs, Scylla Spp Seed Production in Hatchery

Authors: Gunarto G*

DOI: 10.23880/izab-16000292


The high economic value of mud crab Scylla spp in Indonesia and overseas has impacted the high mud crab exploitation throughout Indonesian coastal waters. In another case, mud crab growing out in brackish water ponds also depends on the wild seed supporting. Nevertheless, it could still improve mud crab seed production in the hatchery to gain higher seed production. Some aspects to enhance hatchery seed production could consider including broodstock quality, which can see from the amount of omega-3 fatty acids, Eicosa Pentanoic Acid (EPA), and Docosa Hexaenoic Acid (DHA) in the eggs. Larvae production is necessary to proceed with a stress test. Furthermore, hatchery could provide environmental factors (temperature, salinity, and lighting) suitable for larvae rearing. The larvae should be free of disease (protozoa, fungi, and bacteria) and fulfill the quality and quantity of feed suitable for larvae also an application of probiotics in larvae rearing.

Keywords: Scylla Spp; Production; Larvae; Broodstock; Environmental; Feed

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