Public Health Open Access (PHOA)

ISSN: 2578-5001


COVID-19-Some Lessons Identified

Authors: Rostislav K

DOI: 10.23880/phoa-16000177


Epidemics are accompanying the mankind from the very beginning of the human society development. It is extremely important to be noted that the biological damaging factor - viruses, bacteria, fungi parasites and their toxins were and exist independently from human society with their potential to cause harm on human health or to threaten the life but in order epidemic to be declared it is a prerequisite some form of society existence. Only when a certain number of the population at risk are affected by the biological agent and this number is threatening the social activities and relations, only then an epidemic breakout could be declared. Nowadays within the disaster medicine community is widely accepted the concept that for a crisis or disaster development the human/society errors have to be traced as an origin. Even the pure “natural” disasters as an earthquake, flood or hurricane are classified as real disasters, when the required means and capabilities for inflicted by the damaging factors casualties and negative consequences to the infrastructure and environment are overwhelming the available at the moment and on the spot society capacities. Therefore, the epidemics, as crises or disasters, have to be analyzed as manmade (anthropogenic). The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is exceptional evidence regarding the shortfalls into the crisis/ disaster planning and management activities.


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