ISSN: 2573-1734
Authors: Pranav Y Dave*
Forensic science is the emerging field of science to solve the different crimes in easy way. The prominence of forensic science has resulted from scientific and technological advances, raised reliance of enforcement agencies and judicial systems and its popularization through the mass media. Forensic proof is gathered, examined, evaluated, understood and conferred to create sense of a happening and supply investigative leads. Thanks to increasing the various techniques to try and do the crime, there should be some distinctive and numerous strategies to research it. Some of the crimes are well occurred, that in investigation there are not any clues and evidence would be found to more investigation. In recent time, the crime has been severally increased as the technology improves. As it is an important question for the security purpose. There are many counterfeit actions conducted in different ways. In this short review, it is explained that how the confidential documents are being duplicating and with the help of forensic science how the experts can examine the documents. The different types of documents are also mentioned in the review. It also described the forensic way of documents examination. It elucidated the documentation printing problems and various methods of printing with ink analysis.
Keywords: Forensic Science; Forensic Documentation; Ink Analysis; Counterfeiting; Security Ink
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