Cytology & Histology International Journal (CHIJ)

ISSN: 2642-116X

Research Article

Mathematically Evaluation of Anatomical and Soil Properties of Some Limonium Mill. (Plumbaginaceae Juss) Taxa

Authors: Ozdemir A , Bozdag B and Ozdemir C


In this study, the anatomical and soil properties of some Limonium taxa (L. virgatum, L. graecum var. graecum, L. bellidifolium) distributed on the salt marshes in the coastal Aegean of Turkey were studied and the data obtained were evaluated statistically. Anatomical sections were taken from root, stem and leave of plant samples belonging to the taxa. Measurements were made in these structures for nümerical analysis. Soil samples were taken from habitats where plant samples were taken. These soil samples were examined in terms of salt, conductivity and Na, P, K values. L. graecum var. graecum root, stem and leaf anatomy is different from other taxa. The number of salt pockets and stoma per unit area in the leaves of this taxon is higher than other taxa. The bulging epidermis cells, especially surrounding the salt pockets in the stem and leaves, are different from other taxa. This taxon lives in environments with the highest conductivity and sodium content and the lowest phosphorus level in terms of soil properties. L. virgatum has the lowest measurement results in terms of potassium, sodium, total Na+P+K and the number of stomata per unit area of leaves. It is important to determine the usefulness of Limonium species with beautiful looking flowers, which are frequently found in vacant lands on the shores of the Aegean Sea. The numerical data obtained from the laboratory studies were tried to be tested by comparing the features of the taxa. These comparisons are supported numerically by statistical analysis.

Keywords: Mathematically evaluation; Anatomy; Coastal Aegea; Limonium

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