ISSN: 2642-6250
Authors: Espinoza MG , Gonzalez JG and Munoz del Real G
Medical tourism destinations do not have solid data to identify the quality of health services, for this reason, this research aims to validate the Servperf Model instrument in the context of medical tourism health services and make this a verifiable and valid tool to measure the perceptions of the service received, that serves as an alternative to generating information and allowing companies to be more competitive and to increase the inflow of tourism. We analyzed the variables of tangibility, reliability, responsibility, safety and empathy, to identify which affect the perception of quality, through factor analysis it was possible to determine if there is a correlation between the variables that affect the perception of quality of service and which variables are the most representative in the medical tourism environment. The results of the factorial analysis through the principal components extraction method, allowed determining if there is a correlation between the variables that affect the perception of service quality and that the variables of reliability and empathy are the most representative in the medical tourism environment. The effects that can be observed not addressing these problems are client decrease, reduction in perceived quality and a decrease in the recommendation rate.
Keywords: Tourism; Medical Tourism; Quality; Services; Servperf Model
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