ISSN: 2578-4986
Authors: Maria Kuman
There are no many contemporary studies of hormonal cycles with large periodicity, like Pribram’s studies of EEG periodicity of 7 to 8 years. However, the hormonal cycles with periodicity of 7 years for females and 8 years for males described in ancient acupuncture texts make full sense. During the growth and development of the girls when the hormones grow a seven-year cycle is obvious with hormonal rearrangement at age 7 when the girls change their teeth, at age 14 when their menstrual period starts, at age 21 when their wisdom teeth appear. This is followed by a period of stable hormonal content with two more hormonal rearrangements at age 28 and 35. It is followed by a period of hormonal decline with hormonal rearrangements at age 42 and 49 (7x7) when the menstrual period stops and the women cannot give birth to children any more. The same changes take place in the male body with periodicity 8 years and finishes at age 64 (8x8) when men cannot be sexually active any more. The precision of our life planning speaks of super-intelligent wise Creators.
Keywords: Hormonal Cycles; Female 7-Year Hormonal Cycles; Male 8-Year Hormonal Cycles; Female Hormonal Rearrangement; Male Hormonal Rearrangement
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