Open Access Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology (OAJMB)

ISSN: 2576-7771

Review Article

Information as an Essential Component of the Biological Structures and Their Informational Organization

Authors: Gaiseanu F*

DOI: 10.23880/oajmb-16000198


In this paper it is shown that information is involved in operations, independently of their source or support, chemical, physical or mathematical ones. Particularly, it is shown that info-structuration and info-destructuration are participatory processes typically in biological organisms, which can be represented schematically as a relation between the interacting components, highlighting that the info-structuration is an information-absorbing process and info-destructuration is an info-releasing one. Moreover, functions and functionality of an organism, as a combination of multiple interacting components, are actually expressed as information. It is also shown on this basis that can be distinguished and defined seven informational systems both in the human/sub-human bodies and in the living unit, which is the eukaryotic cell. An info-circuit of a sense perception can be described in terms of typical info-communication systems, as composed by information source (captured sensation), a coder (the involved sensor), a transmission channel (nervous system in animals or pathways in the cell), the decoder (brain in human and sub-human organisms or specialized reaction in the cell) and the displaying “screen" (prefrontal cortex in the brain or sensitive interpreter in the cell). Therefore, it is deduced that a proto-consciousness could be defined not only for the human and sub-human organisms, as rudimentary as the brain circuits are less complex in comparison with the brain, but also in the cell, marked by sentient-decisional pathways/micro-circuits and genetic transcription/translation (body info-(re) structuration) and/or replication (reproduction) processes.

Keywords: Information; Info-Integration/Releasing; Info-Structuration/Destructuration; Informational Systems And Circuits; Epigenetic Process; Consciousness/Proto-Consciousness; Cognitive Centers

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