Anthropology and Ethnology Open Access Journal (AEOAJ)

ISSN: 2639-2119


Cultural Interference on the Example of the Performance the Inspector General

Authors: Koroleva Elfrida

DOI: 10.23880/aeoaj-16000151


The process of globalization is manifested in the active influence of mass culture on all types of art in a combination of components of classical and modern European art, as well as the national culture of different countries. In the play The Inspector General of Nikolai Gogol staged by Alexandru Grecu, these tendencies are manifested in the scenography and in the costumes of the characters. The meaning of the performance is revealed in the symbols. A symbolic role is played by a circular, glowing with blue light railroad, along which a train from Brussels arrived in Chisinau. The action of the performance develops on the platform of its closed circle. The painting “The Last Supper” by Leonardo da Vinci is symbolic, against the background of which a general betrayal is committed. A picture depicting a close men handshake on the background of the Moldova and the European Union flag hanging on the wall of the hotel room where Khlestakov and Osip stayed is symbolic. The clothes of officials are symbolic - half gray, half black timeless cloaks, decorated with Moldovan ornaments and medals from different times, countries and peoples. The make-up of the Governor and the officials is symbolic, black eye circles that reveal their wicked inner essence, at the same time, resemble double glasses - a sign of their double-dealing and, at the same time, the inability to clearly see the surrounding reality. The combination of dances of the modern subculture and Moldovan folk dances is indicative. In the active interaction of the modern subculture and the components of classical European art, traditional folk culture, the main signs of interference of the performance The Inspector General are manifested, in which, at the same time, the characters, types, destinies of people are revealed in an era of complex, contradictory time, not yet realized reality. 

Keywords: globalizations; modern society; self-destruction; theatre; performance; methods of symbols

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