ISSN: 2640-2726
Authors: Sattarov J and Mamatkulov I
Based on the analysis of 79 children with coloproctological anomalies and spinal dysraphism of various forms in combination with other types of spinal malformations: including 28 patients with spinal dysraphism: posture disorders (scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis)-3 (10.7%); Non- healing of the arches (one vertebra, two or more)-11 (39.3%); Sacral development abnormality (agenesis, dysgenesis, deviation)-5 (17.8%); Coccyx abnormalities-1 (3.6%); Terminal filament lipoma-1 (3.6%); Isolated spinabifida osculta-7 (25.0%). 51 patients had fecal incontinence: with anorectal-29 (56.9%), Urogenital abnormalities-3 (5.9%) and congenital malformations of the colon-19 (37.2%).
Keywords: Fecal Incontinence, Surgical, Neurological, Diagnosis, Treatment, Children
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