Journal of Natural & Ayurvedic Medicine (JONAM)

ISSN: 2578-4986

Review Article

Matra Basti in Vibandh – A Review Article

Authors: Silswal M , Taledi K , Sarmah MJ , Sharma KK and Sharma P

DOI: 10.23880/jonam-16000328


Vibandh is a very common gastrointestinal disorder of all age groups and occur commonly due to our sedentary life style and poor food habits. It is experienced by most of the people at some time during their whole life. Vibandha is the obstruction of Purisha /stool in the Purishavaha Srotas which can be called as Constipation. Apana Vayu is responsible for the expulsion of Mala from the Purishavaha Shrotas. When Apana Vayu is vitiated, it results in Vibandh. In modern aspect Vibandh is corelated with constipation. It refers to bowel movements that are infrequent or hard to pass and in general term used to indicate fewer bowel movements, solidified hard stools, painful defecation and feeling of bloating, abdominal discomfort or incomplete elimination. In Panchkarma, Basti Chikitsa is considered to be a prime treatment of vitiated Vata Dosha. It has not only curative aspects but also preventive and promotive aspects. Matra Basti is a type of Sneha Basti. In Matra Basti, least dose of oil/unctuous substance is used and administered in the body through anus preceded by Sthanik Abhyanga and Swedana. It normalizes the vitiated Apana Vayu and clears the obstruction of Purishavaha Shrotas. So Matra basti is found to be effective in the treatment of Vibandh

Keywords: Vibandh; Basti; Purishavaha Shrotas; Udavarta

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