ISSN: 2639-216X
Authors: Amin Girh ZMS and Amer MM*
Enteric infections in poultry pose a threat to intestinal health and can contribute to poor feed efficiency and livability of a flock. A variety of enteric bacterial diseases are recognized in poultry. Necrotic enteritis (NE) produced by Clostridium perfringens (C. perfringens) is amongst the most prevalent enteric diseases of chickens and turkeys. However, several other bacterial, parasitic and viral agents can cause clinical signs, gross and microscopic lesions in poultry very similar to those of NE and the diseases produced by those agents need to be differentiated from NE. The main differential diagnoses for C. perfringens NE include bacterial (C. colinum, C. sordellii, C. difficile, P. multocida, Brachyspira spp.), parasitic (Eimeria spp., H. meleagridis) and viral (Duck Herpes virus type 1, Avian Paramyxovirus type 1) diseases. Confirmation of diagnosis of these diseases requires identification of the etiological agents by morphological, cultural and/or molecular methods. Prevention depends mainly on good diagnosis and differential diagnosis for choice of suitable disinfectant, medication, improve hygiene and application of preventive vaccination by commercial vaccine prepared from related strains or autogenous prepared vaccine in endemic farms or area. This review aimed to collect available data about infectious causes of enteritis in poultry to be available to be available to students, researchers and veterinarian in poultry practical.
Keywords: Poultry; Birds; Necrotic Enteritis
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