ISSN: 2578-4986
Authors: Bharti M , Jyoti Manab S , Reshma A and Parul S
Ayurveda has given more importance to Nidra by considering it as one among the Trayo Upasthambha. The disturbance to Nidra includes Anidra which is said to be a Vata Nanatmaja Vyadhi That can be correlated to insomnia. In Anidra both vata and Manas play an important role. Hence Acharyas gave importance to Vata in the management of Anidra with Murdhni Taila. Ksheerbala Taila which is used here is having Vatashamaka and Brimhaniya Properity thus it enchances the Pusthi of Dhatus and thus acts on Anidra. Here is a Case study to evaluate the efficacy of Shirodhara with Ksheerbala Taila in Anidra. A 37year female patient with the history of Anidra, Krodh. Shoka, Ajirn, Katishoola, since 25 year. She came Panchkarma O.P.D of Rishikul campus Uttarakhand Ayurved University Haridwar, for treatment. The patient was Vata pitta Prakriti with no systemic history of any systemic disease. She was planned for Management with Shirodhara with Ksheerbala taila and Ayurvedic internal medicine Avipattikar Churna and she got moderated relief in sleep pattern.
Keywords: Anidra; Manas; Trayo Upasthambha
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