ISSN: 2642-6145
Authors: Sunil Vitthalrao Jagtap* , Jagtap SS , Phalke A , Vartak S and Billawaria S
Apocrine carcinoma of breast is an extremely uncommon, special variant of breast malignancy with an incidence of <1%. A case of 70 year female presented with large right breast mass with extensive skin ulcerations and right axillary lymphadenopathy of 4 months. On sonomamography of Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System showed irregular heterogeneous echotexture mass (BI-RADS) IV. On fine niddle aspiration cytology reported as positive for carcinoma cells. Patient underwent modified radical mastectomy. On histopathology diagnosed as invasive apocrine carcinoma type A, of right breast. The tumor grading by Modified Richardson- Bloom criteria- it was (2+3+2) grade II. Right axillary lymph nodes 18 were involved by the tumor. The immunohistochemistry study showed ER, PR, Her 2 neu negative. The neo-adjuvant therapy was given. On follow-up of 8 months satisfactory healing and no recurrence was noted. Conclusion: Apocrine carcinoma has better prognosis than invasive breast carcinoma (NOS). These are characteristic triple negative breast cancer. We are presenting this case for its rarity, clinical behavior, histomorphological, immunohistochemical features.
Keywords: Apocrine Carcinoma; Breast Cancer; Pathology
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