Annals of Advanced Biomedical Sciences (AABSc)

ISSN: 2641-9459

Review Article

A New Generation of Translational Tools designed to Monitor Multiple Sclerosis (MS) at Clinical and Subclinical Stages

Authors: Suchkov S , Studneva M , Rose N , Gabibov A and Cheng RH

DOI: 10.23880/aabsc-16000169


According to tremendous translational researchers, biomarkers as a part of the ligand-receptor tandems have induced an impulse to prompt the development of an upgraded concept of the targeted therapy. It is health indicators that justifying the necessity to create targeted drug of the next-step generation to be implemented at the clinical and sub-clinical key stages of the disease pathogenesis and to be involved into a multi-stage process to get the shifts appeared modified. Catalytic antibodies (CatAbs) have emerged as powerful tools for the efficient and specific catalysis of a wide range of chemical transformations. Generating antibody catalysts that achieve enzymatic efficiency remains a challenging task to be implemented in the designed translational applications. We also comment on recent developments in the screening CatAbs-related process that allow for a more efficient identification of Ab-based catalysts to be used further as native ones or engineered and/or designed bioproducts in clinical practice. The generation of an edited Abs, Eezyme or artificial ABZYME through transition state stabilization by Abs has been thus demonstrated. So, we may consider Ab-proteases as unique translational probes to diagnose, to monitor, to control and to treat and rehabilitate MS patients at clinical stages and to prevent the disorder at subclinical stages in personsat-risks to secure the efficacy of regenerative manipulations. There is an evident-based outcome of the latest studies in multiple sclerosis (MS) related fields that illustrates the proved targeted activity of Ab-proteases. High impact of Ab-proteases can be used to monitor both clinical and subclinical courses of chronic autoimmune inflammation (MS) to predict stepwise transformations of the course and to prognosticate the clinical illness finally. In this sense, Ab-proteases can be programmed and reprogrammed to suit the requests and standards of regenerative medicine and re-myelination, in particular. This information can allow to design the algorithms for combinatorial (preventive, prophylactic, therapeutic and rehabilitative) treatment, whilst developing unique tools for individually therapy for a number of diseases, such as a group of autoimmune diseases which holds a particular position. 

Keywords: Multiple Sclerosis

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