ISSN: 2578-4838
Authors: Rachidi M*
Trisomy 21 or Down syndrome, caused by the triplication of human chromosome 21, is the most frequent genetic disorder with hard impact on public health. The overdosage of genes on this chromosome determines transcriptional alterations and dosage imbalance of a lot of proteins affecting several molecular pathways involved in several human diseases. Interestingly, some key human chromosome 21 genes play important roles in cell cycle and cell growth and could, with the recent progress in the developmental genetics, provide significant elucidation of molecular mechanisms involved in Down syndrome associated diseases related to cell cycle alterations, leukaemia, tumors and cancers, in the perspective of development of new drugs and treatments
Keywords: Down syndrome; Human Chromosome 21 genes; Mouse Genetic Models; NF-κB signaling pathway; Wnt/betacatenin signalling pathway; Cell Cycle; Leukaemia; Cancers; Therapeutic Gene Targets; Treatments