Clinical Dermatology Open Access Journal (CDOAJ)

ISSN: 2574-7800

Research Article

The Clinical Picture and the Course of Rosacea Depending on the Presence of Demodex Mite and its Species Identity

Authors: Kubanov A , Gallyamova Y* and Grevtseva A

DOI: 10.23880/cdoaj16000123


The article presents the analysis of the clinical picture of patients with rosacea of different degrees of severity complicated with demodicosis. The dermatovenereology life quality index was evaluated for patients with rosacea in the presence and absence of Demodex mites. Presence of Demodex mites reduces the life quality of patients with rosacea. The duration of pathological processes on the facial skin, as well as the number of relapses were assessed. The course of rosacea was analyzed depending on the species identity of Demodex mites (Demodex folliculorum longus and Demodex folliculorum brevis). In the structure of rosacea diagnoses Demodex folliculorum longus is significantly more prevalent (n = 20; 66.7%) then Demodex folliculorum brevis (n=8; 26.7). 

Keywords: Rosacea; Dermatosis; Demodicosis; Demodex mites

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