ISSN: 2573-8771
Authors: Yaacob HB*, Radzi ZB, Khoo SP and Kallarakkal TG
Superficial mucocele (SM) is a very rare lesion. We report a unique case of the lesion occurring only on one side of the soft palate in a 37 year old female who exhibited a high level of IgE due to allergy to house mites. Diagnosis of the lesion could be confidentally arrived at by clinical and histologic examinations, as it has been confused with bullous lichen planus, pemphigoid and viral diseases. The pathogenesis remains debatable, though claims of being associated with trauma, radiation, allergy, lichen planus, Graft-Versus-Host-Disease, and mycoplasma have been made. Past treatments varied from excission, y-linolenic acid, cryosurgery, cyclosporine and steroids. Many believed SM resolves spontaneously and no treatment is warranted. However, there are cases known to last for months and caused great stress and discomfort. Our patient remitted within four months of treatment with combinations of steroids, anti-histamines and reassurance of the true nature of the lesions. Till today, though cured, our patient is very apprehensive of recurrence.
Keywords: Anti-histamine; Steroid; Superficial Mucocele