Annals of Advanced Biomedical Sciences (AABSc)

ISSN: 2641-9459

Case Report

Prevalence of Age-Related Macular Degenerative Disorder Due to Poor Dietary Habits

Authors: Siddiqa A and Khair KU, Hashmi D and Naqvi P

DOI: 10.23880/aabsc-16000173


Globally, food consumption patterns are changed and trends shift to poor dietary habits leading to poor health and food insecurity. Visual health is normally down after a certain age period or with the progression of individual age but now the trends are observed increased visual disorders in early age periods too. The prevalence of age related macular degenerative disorders are increasing mainly due to diets that are deficient in carotenoids like lutein or other essential nutrients that are necessary to improve visual health. Lutein has the potential to directly absorb and deposit in eye macula that even can restore macular pigment density and recover visual strength. Numerous research has proved that diet naturally rich with carotenoids or supplemented has a substantial beneficial impact against age related macular degenerative disorders in all age groups.

Keywords: Age related macular degenerative disorders; Visual health; Carotenoids

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