ISSN: 2573-1734
Authors: Kacker P*
It has been quite a matter of concern and discussion from past many years to understand the difference between Brain Fingerprinting technique (BFT) and Brain Electrical Oscillation (BEOS) Profiling technique to understand there usage and significance in forensic psychological investigation. BFT and BEOS terms are used interchangeable and sometimes termed as brain mapping too. But, technically the Brain Fingerprinting and Brain Electrical Oscillations Signature Profiling System (BEOS) are two different technologies for measuring two different parameters of the brain activation. Brain Fingerprinting detects P300; whether the suspect has recognized the stimulus (the image presentation of weapon, missing person, victim, and/or perpetrator) somewhat similar to Polygraph results. BEOS detects the involvement of the suspect in the criminal case under investigation as an Eye-witness/victim/perpetrator. BEOS can further distinguish whether the perpetrator is the conspirer/primary offender/helped the perpetrator to commit the crime. This paper talks about the differences between the two systems in depth.
Keywords: Brain Fingerprinting (BFT); Brain Electrical Oscillations Signature (BEOS) profiling; Forensic Psychological Investigation Techniques
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